How to submit Complaints
i. An institution or member of the public who feels aggrieved by the media such as newspaper, radio, television or online is free to lodge a complaint to the Secretariat of the Media Council of Tanzania.
ii.The complainant can submit their complaints through:
2. Letter
3. Email
4. Special form available on Council website which is
iii. The complainant should state the reason for the complaint, state what remedy the complainant wants from the Council and evidence to prove the allegations.
iv. The complainant must submit the complaint as soon as possible and in no way more than six months from the date of publication or broadcast.
v. Complaints will be dealt with and completed within three months after receipt.
Decisions that the Council could make
i. To uphold or not to uphold the complaint.
ii. To require the media outlet to apologize to the complainant.
v. To require the media outlet to correct the information complained about.
vi. To require the media outlet to give the complainant the right to respond.
vii. To require the media to pay the actual costs incurred by the complainant in the process of filing and following up the complaint.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Ethics Committee of the Media Council of Tanzania he/she or the institution is entitled to take the complaint to court. However, reports of arbitration proceedings will not be presented to court as part of evidence. The Council will also not receive and listen to a matter which is already in court.
Click the link below for more information
Media Council of Tanzania (MCT)
P.O. Box 10160, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 22-2775728/2771947
Mob: +255 719 494640/686 494640/767498426
Jinsi ya kuwasilisha malalaiko MCT
- Taasisi au mwananchi anayehisi kukosewa na chombo cha habari ambacho ni gazeti, redio, runinga ama cha kimtandao anashauriwa kuwasilisha malalamiko yake Sekretariati ya Baraza la Habari Tanzania.
- Mlalamikaji anaweza kuwasilisha malalamiko yake kwa njia ya:
- Simu
- Barua
- Barua pepe
- Fomu maalumu inayopatikana kwenye tovuti ya Baraza ambayo ni
- Malalamiko hayo yaainishe sababu ya malalamiko yake, jambo analoomba Baraza limfanyie kuhusiana na malalamiko yake pamoja na ushahidi wowote alionao.
- Mlalamikaji awasilishe malalamiko yake haraka iwezekanavyo na kwa namna yoyote ile isizidi miezi sita tangu siku yalipochapishwa au kutangazwa.
- Malalamiko yatashughulikiwa na kukamilika katika muda usiozidi miezi mitatu baada ya kupokelewa.
Maamuzi ambayo Baraza linaweza kutoa
- Ni kama mlalamikiwa amekosa au la.
- Kumtaka mlalamikiwa kumwomba radhi mlalamikaji.
- Kumtaka mlalamikiwa kusahihisha habari inayolalamikiwa.
- Kumtaka mlalamikiwa kumpa mlalamikaji haki ya kujibu.
- Kumtaka mlalamikiwa kulipa gharama halisi alizotumia mlalamikaji kuhusiana na shauri linanalolalamikiwa.
Kama mlalamikaji hakuridhika na upatanishi wa Kamati ya Maadili ya Baraza la Habari Tanzania ana haki ya kupeleka malalamiko yake mahakamani. Hata hivyo taarifa za mwenendo wa usuluhishi ndani ya Kamati hazitatolewa mahakamani kama sehemu ya ushahidi. Baraza pia halitapokea na kusikiliza shauri ambalo lipo mahakamani.
Tafadhali bonyeza hapo chini kwa taarifa zaidi
Baraza la Habari Tanzania (MCT)
S.L.P 10160, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Simu: +255 22-2775728/2771947
Mob: +255 719 494640/686 494640/767498426
Barua pepe: